Tips Membuat Aransemen musik pada sebuah lagu(Arrangement for Making music on a song)

This time I will discuss how and arranges songs that we have created a unified harmony of the whole from beginning to end with the appropriate musical accompaniment. These tips are suitable for you who already have their own band, however, it is possible for you to have a vocal group or soloist.
<<Kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana mengaransemen lagu yang sudah kita ciptakan agar menjadi kesatuan harmoni yang utuh mulai dari awal hingga akhir dengan iringan musik yang sesuai. tips ini cocok untuk anda yang telah memiliki band sendiri, namun demikian tidak menutup kemungkinan buat anda yang memiliki vokal group ataupun solois.>>
Mungkin tulisan saya kali ini ada hubungannya dengan tulisan saya sebelumnya mengenai tips menciptakan lagu bagus yang pernah saya posting beberapa bulan yang lalu.
Kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana mengaransemen lagu yang sudah kita ciptakan agar menjadi kesatuan harmoni yang utuh mulai dari awal hingga akhir dengan iringan musik yang sesuai. tips ini cocok untuk anda yang telah memiliki band sendiri, namun demikian tidak menutup kemungkinan buat anda yang memiliki vokal group ataupun solois.
Sebelumnya mohon maap, tulisan ini bukan berarti sok ngajarin or sok hebat. ini hanya share aja. Saya juga cuma pemula kok. Klo ada masukkan, dengan senang hati saya menerimanya. :)
Mulai nyok..
-kenali jenis lagunya
Hal pertama adalah anda harus mengenali jenis lagunya. Hal ini bisa di rasakan dari ketukan, alunan nadanya, dll. Proses ini penting karena akan berhubungan dengan, mau dijadikan jenis musik apa lagu anda tersebut
-Referensi musik
Referensi bisa di lakukan dr lagu orang lain yg sudah ada dipadukan dengan kreatifitas dan taste yang anda miliki. Namun demikian saya meganjurkan sebaiknya jangan mengambil referensi dari lagu yang lagi hits saat itu.karena akan membuat efek seragam pada musik kita. Kalopun itu terpaksa dilakukan, usahakan hanya pada genre nya saja tp jangan mengambil sampel pola/pattern nadanya. Idealnya sih sebaiknya aransemen anda juga mengambil referensi dari musik luar negeri walaupun sedikit, untuk memperkaya musik anda. Saya pikir lebih terhormat disebut plagiat musik luar dibanding disebut plagiat dr band dalam negeri yang sedang terkenal. Bukan ngajarin buat melakukan plagiat loh :)
Oh iya walaupun saya bilang lebih terhormat disebut plagiat musik luar negeri bukan berarti kita mengambil sampel musik langsung begitu saja. Usahakan di udah beberapa nada, ketukan ataupun style-nya. Dijamin gak akan keliatan niru deh. Udah saya lakui kok..Ssstt..tapi diem2 aja ya.
-Pengaruh lirik terhadap aransemen
liriknya perlu diperhatiin juga. dalam beberapa kasus, saya pernah mengganti lirik lagu karena setelah di aransemen, merasa tema liriknya akan lebih bagus jika di ubah, misalnya dr tema "Mari menanam sejuta pohon" menjadi lagu bertema "mari menebang pohon karena harga kayu mahal" :p
(Btw, lagu2 jaman sekarang kok saya jarang menemukan lirik2 yang puitis seperti pada lagu2 tahun 1990-an ya..Apa cuma perasaan saya aja??)
-Teknik pengulangan
perlu diperhatikan juga teknik pengulangan bait2 maupun nada2nya, apakah akan menimbulkan kebosanan pendengar atau tidak. Jika setelah ditimbang2 kurang bagus, variasikan sedikit nadanya ataupun liriknya. Pernah suatu ketika waktu saya mengaransemen lagu bareng temen2, karena pengen buru2, kami tidak memperhatikan hal ini. Setelah lagunya selesai di rekam baru kerasa kalo liriknya seharusnya dibedakan antara bait sebelum reff dan bait sesudah reff. Nyesel deh :(
-Minta pendapat dr orang2 disekitar
Definisi orang2 disekitar versi saya sendiri: temen, pacar, sodara yang sering ketemu, tetangga. Oh iya bisanya orang2 yang gk ngerti musik dan hanya sebagai pendengar saja lebih bagus jika diminta pendapatnya, karena mereka biasanya lebih mementingkan enak tidaknya lagu tersebut, bukan dari sisi kerumitan sebuah lagu.
Satu hal yang perlu dipahami, jangan terpaku sama pemikiran dan pendengaran kita sendiri. KArena sejatinya kita menciptakan lagu untuk dedengar orang lain, bukan untuk diri kita. Walaupun kita menganggap karya kita 'asik bener' belum tentu ditelinga orang lain.
-Jika lagunya sederhana, buatlah sedikit variasi
Variasi bisa dari alat musik(lick gitar, melodi piano, ketukan drum, dan bass), cara penyanyi membawakan lagu, dll
-Teori Kombinasi
Jika sedang dalam project membuat album, buatlah kombinasi antara lagu yang bertempo lambat, sedang dan cepat.
Saya melihat lagu bernuansa melow baik itu pop, maupun dari aliran rock, kebanyakan disukai. Tapi jangan terpaku untuk membuat seperti itu semua. jadikan lagu2 melow sebagai lagu hits pilihan kedua setelah lagu2 yg bertempo cepat dalam sebuah album
-Variasi Reff
Memvariasikan reffrain sebaiknya dilakukan dibagian akhir lagu. Hal ini karena pada bagian reff ini biasanya bagian yg mudah diingat oleh pendengar. jika antara reff pertama dan kedua ada perbedaan nada yang terlalu mencolok, maka terdengar lagu tersebut tidak memiliki inti.
-Kebersamaan dalam berkarya
Jika anda adalah sebuah band, baiknya mendiskusikan aransemen lagu bersama seluruh anggota. jangan hanya anda sendiri atau beberapa orang saja, karena akan akan membuat yg lain merasa tidak terwakili dalam lagu terebut.
Walaupun lagu tersebut milik anda, usahakan agar anda tidak memonopoli dalam masalah aransemen, hal tersebut akan membuat yg lain merasa memiliki lagu tersebut, sehingga mereka akan mengerahkan segala kemampuannya untuk lagu tersebut. hal ini penting agar tidak menimbulkan sifat 'masa bodo' dr rekan2 yang lain
-Kami berbeda aliran musik
Para personel dengan background musik yg berbeda-beda akan memperkaya musik yang dibawakan. Beruntung jika band anda seperti itu. asalkan memiliki visi yg sama.
-Yess, lagunya udah jadi !!
Setelah lagu anda selesai di aransemen, dengarkan ulang lagu/aransemen tersebut. Tidak menutup kemungkinan masih ada beberapa bagian yg bisa di ulik lagi sehingga menghasilkan aransemen yg lebih keren
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this time I am writing something to do with my previous writings about
the tips to create great songs that I've posted a few months ago.
This time I will discuss how and arranges songs that we have created a unified harmony of the whole from beginning to end with the appropriate musical accompaniment. These tips are suitable for you who already have their own band, however, it is possible for you to have a vocal group or soloist.
Previously please maap, this paper does not mean great ass taught or pretentious. aja share only. I'm also just a beginner really. If there are entered, I gladly accept it. :)
Start Nyok ..
-Identify the types of songsThe first thing is you have to recognize the type of song. This can be felt from the tap, the soft tone, etc.. This process is important because it will relate to, would be kind of music do you track the
Music reference-References can be done another song dr who already combined with the creativity and taste you have. However, I meganjurkan should not take reference from another song that hits when itu.karena will create a uniform effect on our music. Kalopun it had to be done, try it only on the genre just do not take a sample pattern tp / pattern pitch. Ideally, it should be arrangements you can also take reference from overseas even though a little music, to enrich your music. I think it is more honorable than the so-called plagiarism beyond music band called dr plagiarism in the country who are well known. Not taught for plagiarism loh :)Oh yes, although I say more honorable called plagiarism foreign music that does not mean we take a sample of the music right away. Keep in already a few tones, tapping, or his style. Guaranteed to not be stereotyped plasticity deh. I've really lakui Ssstt .. yes .. but diem2 wrote.
-Effect of the lyrics to the arrangementsthe lyrics need diperhatiin too. in some cases, I never change the lyrics of the song because after the arrangement, was the theme of the lyrics would be great if the change, for example dr theme "Let's plant a million trees" became the theme song "let's cut down trees because wood prices expensive": p
(Btw, today lagu2 why I rarely find lirik2 lagu2 poetic as in the 1990's it .. What I wrote was just a feeling?)
-Repetition techniquenote also the repetition techniques and nada2nya bait2, whether to create boredom of the listener or not. If after ditimbang2 less good, vary a little tune or the lyrics. Once upon a time when I was arranging songs together temen2, because buru2 want, we do not pay attention to this. After the song finished at a new record kerasa if the lyrics should be distinguished between the temple and the temple after prior reff reff. Nyesel deh: (
-Ask the opinion of Dr. orang2 aroundOrang2 definition around my own version: friend, girlfriend, Sodara are often met, a neighbor. Oh yes gk orang2 usually understand the music and the listeners are just as great if consulted, because they are usually more concerned about whether the song is good, not from the complexity of a song.One thing that needs to be understood, do not stare at our own thinking and hearing. Because we actually create a song for dedengar others, not for ourselves. Although we consider our work 'cool bener' is not necessarily the ears of others.
-If the song is simple, make a slight variationVariations can be of musical instruments (guitar licks, melodic piano, drum beats, and bass), the way the singer sang, etc.
-Theory of CombinationIf you're in a project to make an album, make a combination of songs with a slow, medium and fast.I see shades of melow good songs that pop, and rock from the stream, most preferred. But do not stare to make like it all. make lagu2 melow as the song hits a second choice after lagu2 who upbeat in an album
Chorus-variationVarying reffrain should be done at the end the song. This is because at the reff is usually part and easily remembered by the audience. if between the first and second reff there are too obvious tone differences, then the sound of the song does not have a nucleus.
Togetherness in the work-If you are a band, a good idea to discuss arrangements with the whole song. Do not just your own or a few people, because it will make others feel who are not represented in the song stretcher.Although the song your own, you do not try to monopolize the issue of the arrangement, it will make the other feel a song, so that they will exert its power to the song. This is important so as not to cause the nature of 'the bodo' dr rekan2 others
-We are different streams of musicThe personnel with background music which will enrich the different music that was delivered. Lucky if you like that band. provided it has the same vision.
-Yess, so the song already!After you finish the song arrangements, listen to a song / arrangement is. Did not rule out there are still some parts which can be ulik again resulting in cooler arrangement which
This time I will discuss how and arranges songs that we have created a unified harmony of the whole from beginning to end with the appropriate musical accompaniment. These tips are suitable for you who already have their own band, however, it is possible for you to have a vocal group or soloist.
Previously please maap, this paper does not mean great ass taught or pretentious. aja share only. I'm also just a beginner really. If there are entered, I gladly accept it. :)
Start Nyok ..
-Identify the types of songsThe first thing is you have to recognize the type of song. This can be felt from the tap, the soft tone, etc.. This process is important because it will relate to, would be kind of music do you track the
Music reference-References can be done another song dr who already combined with the creativity and taste you have. However, I meganjurkan should not take reference from another song that hits when itu.karena will create a uniform effect on our music. Kalopun it had to be done, try it only on the genre just do not take a sample pattern tp / pattern pitch. Ideally, it should be arrangements you can also take reference from overseas even though a little music, to enrich your music. I think it is more honorable than the so-called plagiarism beyond music band called dr plagiarism in the country who are well known. Not taught for plagiarism loh :)Oh yes, although I say more honorable called plagiarism foreign music that does not mean we take a sample of the music right away. Keep in already a few tones, tapping, or his style. Guaranteed to not be stereotyped plasticity deh. I've really lakui Ssstt .. yes .. but diem2 wrote.
-Effect of the lyrics to the arrangementsthe lyrics need diperhatiin too. in some cases, I never change the lyrics of the song because after the arrangement, was the theme of the lyrics would be great if the change, for example dr theme "Let's plant a million trees" became the theme song "let's cut down trees because wood prices expensive": p
(Btw, today lagu2 why I rarely find lirik2 lagu2 poetic as in the 1990's it .. What I wrote was just a feeling?)
-Repetition techniquenote also the repetition techniques and nada2nya bait2, whether to create boredom of the listener or not. If after ditimbang2 less good, vary a little tune or the lyrics. Once upon a time when I was arranging songs together temen2, because buru2 want, we do not pay attention to this. After the song finished at a new record kerasa if the lyrics should be distinguished between the temple and the temple after prior reff reff. Nyesel deh: (
-Ask the opinion of Dr. orang2 aroundOrang2 definition around my own version: friend, girlfriend, Sodara are often met, a neighbor. Oh yes gk orang2 usually understand the music and the listeners are just as great if consulted, because they are usually more concerned about whether the song is good, not from the complexity of a song.One thing that needs to be understood, do not stare at our own thinking and hearing. Because we actually create a song for dedengar others, not for ourselves. Although we consider our work 'cool bener' is not necessarily the ears of others.
-If the song is simple, make a slight variationVariations can be of musical instruments (guitar licks, melodic piano, drum beats, and bass), the way the singer sang, etc.
-Theory of CombinationIf you're in a project to make an album, make a combination of songs with a slow, medium and fast.I see shades of melow good songs that pop, and rock from the stream, most preferred. But do not stare to make like it all. make lagu2 melow as the song hits a second choice after lagu2 who upbeat in an album
Chorus-variationVarying reffrain should be done at the end the song. This is because at the reff is usually part and easily remembered by the audience. if between the first and second reff there are too obvious tone differences, then the sound of the song does not have a nucleus.
Togetherness in the work-If you are a band, a good idea to discuss arrangements with the whole song. Do not just your own or a few people, because it will make others feel who are not represented in the song stretcher.Although the song your own, you do not try to monopolize the issue of the arrangement, it will make the other feel a song, so that they will exert its power to the song. This is important so as not to cause the nature of 'the bodo' dr rekan2 others
-We are different streams of musicThe personnel with background music which will enrich the different music that was delivered. Lucky if you like that band. provided it has the same vision.
-Yess, so the song already!After you finish the song arrangements, listen to a song / arrangement is. Did not rule out there are still some parts which can be ulik again resulting in cooler arrangement which